Carpenter lagoon
The Carpenter's Lagoon (Laguna del Carpintero) inside the city of Tampico [México]. This place is the type locality of Herichthys carpintis. At one point, the lagoon was so polluted that no mayor life subsisted. Nowadays, the lagoon has been ecologically restored, presumably stocked with fish from the surroundings. (22.226741°N, 97.85837°W). Fotografato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas.


Bacino fluviale


22.226741°N, 97.85837°W



Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Panuco: Laguna del Carpintero

Conservazione: Most of the lagoons at the Panuco river mouth remain to these days in an apparent good state of conservation, despite of the fact that they are found in the metropolitan area of Tampico and Altamira, cities with a large port and industrial activity. Laguna del Carpintero, found in downtown Tampico at the side of the Panuco river drainage and type locality of Herichthys carpintis, was so badly polluted by sewage poured into it that at one point no major aquatic life was left. The lagoon has been completely restored several years ago. Laguna del Carpintero is used as a water supply for the population. However, the size of the human population is a constant threat to well being of the lagoons.

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