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Algansea avia (Barbour & Miller, 1978)


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Erstbeschreibung als Algansea monticola avia:


  • Barbour, Clyde D & R.R. Miller. 1978. "A revision of the Mexican cyprinid fish genus Algansea". Miscellaneous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. (155):1-72 (ffm00085) (Kurzfassung)

Artenschutz: Algansea avia wurde durch die Internationale Union für die Erhaltung der Natur (IUZN) in der Roten Liste bedrohter Arten bewertet als (EN) stark gefährdet (2018). The Santiago drainage basin and its associated aquifers face considerable threats resulting from groundwater over-extraction for agricultural, municipal, and industrial use, and from land use changes at the regional scale. However, the impacts of these threats on the total population size of Algansea avia have not been evaluated. Historically, excess water from Lake Chapala naturally discharged into the Santiago River; in recent years, the lowering of Lake Chapala due to input reduction from the Lerma River and excess groundwater pumping has resulted in reduced water flow into the Santiago River. Dams downstream of Lago Chapala, in the Santiago River, may also be affecting the species. Pollution from urban waste is also an important threat in parts of its distribution (Domínguez Domínguez, 2019).