Male at El Quince
Male of Xiphophorus continens at El Quince, Pánuco drainage [San Luis Potosi]. Fotografato da Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (27-nov-2017). determinatore Juan Miguel Artigas Azas





Ultimo aggiornamento in data:

Xiphophorus continens Rauchenberger, Kallman & Morizot, 1990

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Descrizione originale come Xiphophorus continens:


  • Rauchenberger, Mary & K.D. Kallman, D.C. Morizot. 1990. "Monophyly and geography of the Río Pánuco Basin swordtails (Genus Xiphophorus) with descriptions of four new species". American Museum Novitates. (2975):1-41 (ffm00052) (riassunto)

Conservazione: Xiphophorus continens è valutata dalle organizzazioni internazionali di salvaguardia delle specie a rischio come (DD) Mancanza di dati (2019). Although the area of distribution of X. continens is preserved in relatively good condition, mainly by its remoteness, given its small extension it is prone to suffer alterations by further deforestation around the main spring — recently its eastern part has been deforested for agriculture, as well as the introduction of exotic species, common now in other areas of the Pánuco. In recent years, Poeciliopsis gracilis has been introduced to some areas of the Gallinas River, in my estimation causing a decrease in the numbers of Poecilia mexicana.