Male in the aquarium
A male of Xenotoca eiseni from Compostela [Nayarit] in the Aquaculture laboratory (Acualab) of the Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo in Morelia [Michoacán], in charge of Omar Domínguez Domínguez. Photo par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (06-nov.-2014). identifié par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas





Dernière mise à jour le :

Xenotoca eiseni (Rutter, 1896)

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Décrit initialement sous Characodon eiseni:


  • Rutter, Cloudsley M. 1896. "Notes on fresh water fishes of the Pacific slope of North America. II. The fishes of Rio Yaqui, Sonora, with the description of a new genus of Siluridae". Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. 6:255-262 (ffm04522)

Conservation: Xenotoca eiseni est évalué par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature dans la Liste Rouge des espèces menacées comme étant (EN) en danger (2018). Xenotoca eiseni is potentially threatened by habitat loss and degradation caused by sedimentation, chemical pollution, overextraction of water resources, competition and predation from invasive alien species and anthropogenic modifications to flow regimes (from Köck, 2019). Many populations have disappeared owing to lack of water, habitat destruction, and introductions of non-native species, and only a handful of small populations remain. X. eiseni survives in small numbers in just a few springs and streams (Lyons et al., 2019:144).