Male at Choy River
A male of Xiphophorus nigrensis at Taninul spring, Choy River, Pánuco drainage [San Luis Potosí]. Photo par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas. (01-mai-2006). identifié par Juan Miguel Artigas Azas



Dernière mise à jour le :

Xiphophorus nigrensis (Rosen, 1960)

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Décrit initialement sous Xiphophorus pygmaeus nigrensis:


  • Rosen, Donn E. 1960. "Middle-American poeciliid fishes of the genus Xiphophorus". Bulletin of the Florida State Museum, Biological Sciences. 5(4):57-242 (ffm00047)

Conservation: Xiphophorus nigrensis est évalué par l'Union Internationale pour la Conservation de la Nature dans la Liste Rouge des espèces menacées comme étant (DD) données insuffisantes (2018). The habitat of Xiphophorus nigrensis is a small river (about 5 m wide) with a large flow that is born at "Nacimiento de Tamuin" (previously known as Nacimiento de Taninul) spring and runs partly inside pristine terrains owned by the local society of cane growers, whom allow access to the spring some days a week for a fee. the rest of the river before it gets to the town of Tamuin [San Luis Potosi] and merges the Tampaon River runs mostly through private cattle growing lands for about ten kilometers. Apparently due to pollution, Xiphophorus nigrensis is just found in about half of this length. The conservation status in accordance to the current IUCN rules should be considered vulnerable.